Saturday 23 June 2012

For How Long?

For how long are we going to hide our weaknesses under the mask of situations around? living under the false hope of doing a favour or a great sacrifice for something or somebody and try all our life to make others realize it? Till when are we going to keep suffering and suffering without realizing that we have always been free? there has been nobody to stop us other than ourselves..

Unless we felt something to be important can it be important? unless we found something to be painful can it be painful? does't everything includes me? without me what is left? if me is excluded where does our statements stand? For how long will we keep blaming others or everything else?

When are we going to accept the responsibilities without fear, without the fear of others, without the fear of anything else?

Can freedom be realized if we keep doing the same thing all over again? previously what we thought right we did and we are still doing what we think is right so what is the difference then? doesn't freedom means to be Free simply? To be free of everything, even our own thoughts which so called keep troubling us as if they are not ours! Can't we simply see that everything starts from us? even the thought of freedom starts and end in us so where does all this happen?

If something is troubling you then what should be checked, you or the situation? for you its trouble for others it may be fun so what is the real measure?

Shouldn't we ponder over all this rather than reacting always?


  1. A questioning mind with lots and lots of questions it appears on the surface but a little deeper introspection reveals the truth what the Masters have said.
    "In order to get the right answer, you need to ask the right question".

    Love the triggers to contemplate in such simple profound questions.

    Way to go Almo!! :)

  2. True. Everything starts from and ends with us. But maybe what happens in between is what learning is all about. That's what is difficult to understand, and even more difficult to accept, that we are free of all the bounds and bonds, except the ones we accept to be existing for us. Once one realises this, one can realise the freedom we already have.
    Very contemplatingly written.


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