Wednesday 4 March 2015

Paradox Of Opposites

The line of separation between good and bad, holy and evil, right and wrong, God and devil etc. is almost faint and truly perplexing. Good exists only with reference to bad and vice versa. To say something is good we need to know what is bad, otherwise how do we recognize that it is good? And when either one of them is dropped then other looses its meaning too. For instance if we say a person is good means he/she doesn't behave how a troublesome person(according to us) behaves. From a non-judgmental perspective, opposites may not make any sense and just become a single stream of happening on which we superimpose our ideas depending on the circumstances we are placed and the ideas we harbor.

If we analyze the so called bad or unwanted events closely, we see that its effects can also be good. Majority of times we see that evil acts committed lead to a result which ends up in the betterment of many as a whole. Many will have a question here as to what good can be seen in a rape or theft or violence but the people who stand to work in the field of these issues are victims and end up helping and saving quite a few others who may become victims to such instances. A women who has suffered great amount of injustice in her life may become an activist and is an eligible activist who knows what it means to go through what she did. The injustice caused to her may act as a blessing to hundreds whom she will address.
Also in the case of death where the affected party will always question God about the loss of a dear one or any death in general but if not for death life will loose meaning. Imagine how hard it may become to live on this planet if there was no death with all your ancestors still around. Death is an agent of change and movement, growth. Evolution is possible with the death of a previous condition and birth of a new one. But left to us we would make all dear ones survive and wish all the enemies would be dead, and what a confusing and chaotic situation that may become where every single person is perceived good or holy by some and bad and evil by some other. There will be a colossal conflict of interests as to who should continue living and who should not.

I don't mean to encourage unjust and evil acts here but exploring another perspective to look at these common ideas we hold about the opposites. We generally conclude that bad is something to be avoided and good to be sustained, but all these good and bad are only our personal agendas and judgements and may not represent the good of the whole at all. The whole already has a way of unfolding which is dependent on every individual yet independent in totality. Existence manifests differently in every moment and this manifestation, whatever it is, is proof enough that things couldn't have taken place any other way, because it didn't.

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