Sunday 5 August 2012

Did You Live This Moment ?

When we miss being somewhere very important which we were really looking forward to, which probably might happen just once in a lifetime, we think if only we could have prepared earlier and would not have done whatever we did because of which we missed it or would have avoided whatever reasons made us miss those events in time.

But if we look at our whole life, probably each and everything just happens only once ! Lets say I write this at this moment, I may imagine I will be writing again sometime sooner or later so whats the difference? but that moment will be entirely different than this one. To take some simple things say our clothes will not be the same, our postures, our state of mind importantly, may be our conditions in our life at that moment, the date of course will be different, your breathing pattern, your body composition such as the water and minerals etc.

So each moment in our whole life is such an amazing event going on that we cannot really afford to miss them. We may label them important or unimportant based on different reasons, pay attention to them or not but they are discrete particulars which will just happen only once and are totally unique in themselves whether we are aware or ignorant of it.

Even our day to day activities such as brushing our teeth may come so alive if we really did it with awareness. If we really try and understand that this is what life is at this moment irrespective of our labels about it then even a simple act of brushing can lead to immense satisfaction because we didn't try to run away from it in any manner but we simple did it.

It seems to me that everything will become simple and clear if we stopped judging or labelling them and start respecting whatever comes in the moment. I remember reading somewhere "someday you will miss today", why miss any moment and then regret or think about it later and even miss that particular moment also?

Live fully wherever you are, whatever you do no matter how insignificant or significant that event is.


  1. Yes, undoubtedly you lived that moment fully when this picture was clicked. It simply shows and speaks silently all about living fully in the moment.

    1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder it is said; by finding it beautiful you made it beautiful.
      Beautiful to have you around.


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