Sunday 29 March 2015

What Is And What Was

Many a times one regrets the decisions taken in the past and now thinks if the decision was taken otherwise, it would have resulted for the better. But what one fails to recognize is that in the past when the decision was taken, the state of mind and situations around were different than what it is now. Before taking most of the decisions one weighs the options and chooses what seems the best in that moment but later on when things don't turn out the way one wished mind starts imagining alternate choices forgetting the ideas bought into while taking the past decisions, and based on the present circumstances superimpose ideas from the present onto the past imagining a resultantly desirable present or future.

Its impossible to take into consideration all the effects a choice will result in and the variables involved in any moment are enormous and vast. The way things happen is a bona fide to their authenticity and probably they could have come to pass differently but the truth is that they didn't. One is always choosing what appears best and right, there seems no other way. So regretting about a past choice makes no sense because if one puts oneself again in the past situation- by recollecting how one actually felt in the past and not by placing the present self in the past- one would take the same decision again.

There is no need to confuse between what is and what was and burden oneself with the weight of past choices. Seeing life totally in the present for whatever it is one can live much more qualitatively. If past choices haunt then one can address those choices differently if they happen to appear again in the present, and what will result from those choices? well, why not exercise ones imagination again.

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